Taken in late January… a flock of Canadian Geese flying above the fog towards us. The mountain behind them had quite a bit of snow at the time, and almost looks like a wave coming in. We’re getting a break … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2020
As promised… here’s a second photo that I had missed from the Panasonic camera… This is of Wagner Butte which is just south of Talent, Oregon. The peak is 7,255 feet in elevation so snow is not unusual up here. … Continue reading
I actually use two cameras (three if you count the drone). One is an older camera, a Panasonic FZ1000, which is actually a great “bridge” camera (they call it bridge as it straddles between an entry level consumer camera and … Continue reading
Although the weather forecast did not mention showers, we got a few that showed up this afternoon in dramatic fashion. This photo is looking southeast towards Mt. Ashland this afternoon. The clouds (and showers) stayed around for an hour … Continue reading
Today is the first day of spring, and the weather has definitely warmed up over the last few days. Birds are active, and we’re busy preparing the garden, clearing the irrigation ditches in the hay field, mowing, and general outdoor … Continue reading
Nothing is better than a trip to the coast to clear one’s mind. We had just lost our beloved dog Taiko a few days earlier, and it was good to get away and reflect on things that had affected our … Continue reading
An update that actually took a bit of time… the Beautifulvista web site added the SSL certificate to make the site secure now. Before the web browsers would state this site was not secure, and even though there was no … Continue reading
There were some beautiful clouds drifting overhead as the cold arctic air moved in… It seemed like a good time to get the drone up and take some photos. The air on the surface had a very slight breeze, so … Continue reading
Now that the Scenic Photos (Top, 2019, and 2018) have been updated, some background updates are now in process. In addition, in going through the last six years of photos, I’m finding ones that I missed for the Top Scenic … Continue reading
There have been numerous request to show the “best of” photos for various regions over the last few years. So here it is… the top photos from the last six years. There are over 100 photos can be sorted though … Continue reading