After an attempt to get going on updating this web site, I got sidelined again with certain life events that have kept me busy for some time. Being somewhat restricted in where I can go currently due to our dear Taiko (our Black Lab) who’s health is deteriorating, I have not been able to travel for the last few months. So being somewhat restricted in movements away from the home, I decided to try something new that I can do from home. I purchased a Mavic Mini drone, and am experimenting (and learning!) how to fly it… I have never flown a drone before, so it’s been quite a learning experience.
The photos and video from this little guy are stunning. The videos especially are amazing as they are fluid and smooth as can be… it’s incredible how far technology has come.
With the winter weather, it’s hit and miss (no drone pun intended) as to when I can fly… rain and heavy winds keep me grounded… but there are breaks in the weather that let me go and explore. I’ve contacted most of my neighbors to let them know when I’m flying (having received permission).
It’s so interesting to see things from a third dimension… the layout of the land makes more sense now, and it’s also gives perspective as to how we all interrelate with our homes, farms and orchards. I’m looking forward to doing more exploration with this in different locations… when I can start to break away again.