Top Scenic Photos (best of!)

There have been numerous request to show the “best of” photos for various regions over the last few years.  So here it is… the top photos from the last six years.  There are over 100 photos can be sorted though by filters to narrow in on what you’re interested in… and most are formatted for 4k (16:9 aspect ratio) that looks great on hi-res monitors and 4k TVs.  Note that there are a lot of photos here, so depending on your internet connection speed, it may take a few minutes to load… but it’s worth it.

The Top Scenic Photos page is meant to be dynamic and will be updated (and expanded) on a continuous basis… new photos added and older ones removed.  If you see something you like, please save it for your own personal use (non-commercial use only!).  For commercial use, please contact me .

Most of all… enjoy!


Weather bound…

The “Atmospheric River” continues to pound the Northwest, including southern Oregon.  The good news is that we are catching up on the rainfall totals… still a little behind, but not nearly as bad as a month ago.  If you count the rain season from July 1st to June 30th, we’re actually above normal… but it’s now counted as from October 1st to September 30th, which just misses the very wet September we had in 2019.  Regardless, we can use all the rain we can get.  It does hinder getting out for photography though, but periodically there’s brief breaks.  I was able to get the drone out for one of these brief breaks and get some nice shots.  The lighting was absolutely beautiful…

Above the Rogue Valley in-between storms.

2018 Scenic Photos updated…

When the Slideshow stopped working for the Scenic Photos Galleries, I had to scramble to find an alternative.  I ended up with the Modula plug-in as it can give some really terrific displays, and is very user friendly.  The 2019 Scenic Photos was updated first (yesterday), and today the 2018 Scenic Photos was updated.  There’s a lot to explore here… so please take a look, and enjoy!

2019 Scenic Photo Gallery (new!)

After spending almost a week looking at various Photo Galleries as a way to display photos here at Beautifulvista, it was decided on two different programs.  One (Modula) will be used for Scenic Photos as it does an incredible job showing high resolution photos both on PCs/Macs and mobile devices.  The second (GMedia) does a great job of presenting an automated slideshow which is great for the “Family and Friends” section.  The combination of the two programs will make for a much better experience with those who visit here. 

Please note that only the 2019 Scenic Photo Gallery has been updated so far, not the other years yet.  As for the Family and Friends Galleries… the 2018 and 2019 have been updated at this point, but nothing prior to that at this point.  A lot of work to do… but it will be great in the long run.

Finally, thought it would be nice to post something fun… this time of the Canadian Geese in a synchronized flight… 

Well… that didn’t last long…

The snowfall we had is now gone.  We had some winds and warmer weather yesterday that melted the snow pretty fast… by afternoon it was gone.  Below is a photo taken the day before with the snow still on the ground and the fog rolling in (in winter we get Tule Fog when the air is still).  More storms are on the way, so it will be interesting to see if we have any more snow the next few days.

Looking southwest towards Phoenix (obscured by the fog) and the Siskiyou Mountains.

Winter activity…

Lots going on between the snow, the storms, the wildlife interactions, and everything else (a lot of photos to sort through!).  The above photo was taken this morning while walking my  dog Ilo (the puppy you’ve seen in previous posts).  Fortunately, Ilo was not tugging at the leash at the time the above photo was taken.  Our neighbors across the road have a large field that the Canadian Geese absolutely love to use in the wintertime… sometimes there will be hundreds and hundreds of these beautiful birds in the field at once.  It’s an amazing sight.

Snow at last…

Snow in the Rogue Valley (looking in-between Ashland and Medford… Roxy Ann Peak is in the background).

Well… this ended up being somewhat of a surprise as we were expecting just a dusting of snow today.  Instead we got about 3-4 inches of snow on the ground, which is a descent amount for this area.  The snow makes everything seem so very different… and so very beautiful at the same time.  The photo above is taken with the Mavic Mini drone flying just under the 400 foot altitude limit required.  The view is looking directly north towards Roxy Ann Peak.

Very brief break in the weather!

Rogue Valley (between Ashland and Medford)

We had probably one of the briefest breaks in the weather this morning that I can remember.  It started off with overnight freezing fog (our front gate was frozen shut).  When the fog finally cleared over our house, I was able to get this quick flight in with the Mavic Mini… and within five minutes heavy winds arrived and had to return.  Interesting that the drone encountered the winds first at 200 feet elevation about 2-3 minutes before it was felt at the surface.  Now we have a full scale storm coming in.  No snow yet…

BTW… I am experimenting with a new slideshow format.  You can see it in the “Family and Friends” section for 2018 and 2019 years.  Hopefully this will work out.  If successful, I’ll carry it over to the Scenic Photos soon.

January weather…

While the fixes go on for the slideshow section of this web site, there are still opportunities for photographs, such as the sunset last night.  We have been getting a series of storms here in southern Oregon, that makes it difficult to get out.  A brief break yesterday allows for some time outside, and the sunset last night created some nice alpine glow on Wagner Butte just south of us.

This next week may be more interesting as snow is predicted all the way to the valley floor.  We’ll try to share some photos of that when it happens.

Gallery technical issues…

We’re experiencing some problems with the gallery plug-in at the moment… not sure what’s going on yet.  You can still view the images one at a time, but not in slideshow mode for some reason.  I’ve been somewhat unhappy with the current plugin, so I may use this opportunity to switch to something better.  Hopefully this will be resolved soon.  Thanks for your patience.